Support: Abélard

Saturday, July 15th, 2023 • Sunday, July 16th, 2023 • Tuesday, July 18th, 2023

Rammstein are stepping up the pace: In 2023, the European Stadium Tour will be returning for a third time!

What this means has already been reported in many of the country’s newspapers this year – a stage construction that sometimes towers over the stadium roof, a show lit up with fire and flames, a perfectly orchestrated band, the humour and pathos of the Rammstein staging – all this is indeed unique in the world of music in terms of style, magnitude and quality. It is thus only logical that Rammstein offer all their fans and those who are about to become fans a fresh chance to experience their “gigantic show” (Rolling Stone) live, which makes European “stadiums rock” (Nordkurier), with “lots of fireworks, lots of bangs and smoke” (Sueddeutsche Zeitung).

The Berliners will return home to the Olympiastadion Berlin with three shows on July 15th, July 16th and July 18th, 2023.

Information regarding ticket sales:

Information regarding the ticket sales can be found at https://www.rammstein.de/en/live/.
Hospitality packages can be found in our VIP shop at https://shop-olympiastadion.berlin/en.

We do not recommend purchasing tickets at unofficial vendors.

To ensure that many fans are able to buy tickets for a fair ticket price we ask you to observe the following:

All information about legitimate presale sites for official presale can be found at rammstein.com/tickets. Every other vendor selling tickets for Rammstein is unauthorized. Rammstein tickets bought through an unauthorized website will not grant entrance to the show.

All tickets for Rammstein are being sold “personalized”. “Personalized” means that every ticket is tied to the person that is named on the ticket. Only this person has the visitation rights. Passing on tickets is strictly prohibited. Every costumer can purchase a maximum of six (6) tickets per show.

In case of sickness or other restraints tickets bought via Eventim may be resold via fansale.de.
In accordance with the general terms and conditions.

  • Personalized Tickets

    To ensure that many fans are able to buy tickets for a fair ticket price we ask you to observe the following:

    All information about legitimate presale sites for official presale can be found at rammstein.com/tickets. Every other vendor selling tickets for Rammstein is unauthorized! Rammstein tickets bought through an unauthorized website will not grant entrance to the show.

    All tickets for Rammstein are being sold “personalized”. “Personalized” means that every ticket is tied to the person that is named on the ticket. Only this person has the visitation rights. Passing on tickets is strictly prohibited. Every costumer can purchase a maximum of six (6) tickets per show.

    In case of sickness or other restraints tickets bought via Eventim may be resold via fansale.de.
    In accordance with the general terms and conditions.

  • Security Restrictions

    For safety reasons, it is forbidden to bring glass bottles, cans, hard packaging or any objects that may be used as a throwing device (e.g. deodorant, perfume, etc.) to the venue. Therefore, these items will be collected at the entrance point.

    Bags shall be DIN A4 (21cm x 29,7cm) or smaller!

    For safety reasons it’s forbidden to bring bags bigger than DIN A4 (21cm x 29,7cm).

    In order to minimize waiting times at the entrance, we ask all concertgoers to, to refrain from bringing bags. There is no possibility to hand in the bags on site. The access with smaller pockets (like fanny packs, little shoulder bags, clutches) is granted, nevertheless we also ask you to reduce everything on an absolutely necessary minimum (money, medicine, etc.).

    Entrance will not be granted with the following items:

    • big bags like backpacks, tote bags, travel bag, suitcases, baskets and cooling bags

    • professional cameras with zoom objectives and/or interchangeable lens and the function to videotaping

    • audio and videotaping devices

    • light and video equipment

    • GoPro cameras

    • selfie sticks

    • electronic devices such as tablets, laptops, power banks, etc. except mobile phones

    • Food and drinks (both will be available inside the venue)

    • Chairs, stools, folding chairs

    • weapons, knives, taser, batons, pepper spray, key & wallet chains etc.

    • torches, flashlights, glow sticks, laser pointer

    • big flags and posters (incl. sticks)

    • helmets

    Please be also aware of our house regulations.

  • Legal protection for children and young persons

    Please note that children under the age of 6 years are not allowed to be on the event venue, not even if they are accompanied by a person entitled to custody. Young people under the age of 16 years are only allowed to visit the concert if they are accompanied by a person entitled to custody. For this purpose, the permission (in accordance to §1 Abs.1 No. 4 Youth Protection Act Germany) must be completed and carried at the concert.

  • Wheelchair Access

    Local Public Transport
    At the S-Bahn stop Olympiastadion, an elevator is only located at the exit marked „Flatowallee“. The metro station “Olympiastadion” is also wheelchair accessible. Both the S-Bahn station and the metro stop Olympiastadion will guide you to the stadium’s main entrances at the East and South Gates.

    Visitors driving to the stadium are asked to use the parking lot PO5, which offers wheelchair accessible parking. The exact number of parking spots may vary for each event.

    In the Stadium
    Guests in wheelchairs can easily access the lower stands via entrances in blocks C/D, N, Q/R and S/T. An adequate number of kiosks and handicap-accessible bathrooms can be found in the lower stand areas as well.

    Walking Aids
    The bringing of walking aids is permitted in the interior (standing room) in exceptional cases. These exceptions include crutches as well as walking sticks. Bringing a walker is not permitted.

    Around the Olympiastadion Berlin there is a large number of public parking spaces, which can also be used for events (some subject to charges):

    • Olympischer Platz (Olympic Place) (max. 2.8 tons per vehicle)
    • parking lot PO1
    • parking lot PO4 with handicapped accessible parking spaces (max. 2.8 tons per vehicle)
    • parking lot PO5 with handicapped accessible parking spaces (max. 2.8 tons per vehicle)
    • parking lot PO7

    Please follow the traffic guidance systems on event days.

  • Travel & Parking

    The concert ticket entitles the holder to travel to and from the concert by local public transport (except special transport). We therefore recommend travelling by local public transport.  

    Local public transport

    The following lines will bring you close to the Olympiastadion:


    The underground train (U-Bahn) U2 takes you directly to the station Olympiastadion. It’s only a short walk from there to the stadium (East Gate entrance: 500m, South Gate entrance: 870m).


    The above ground train (S-Bahn) S3 and S9 takes you directly to the station Olympiastadion. It’s only a short walk from there to the stadium (South Gate entrance via exit Flatowallee: 200 m, East Gate entrance via exit Trakehner Allee: 250m). 


    With the bus lines M49 or 218 you can reach the stop Flatowallee. It’s only a short walk from there to the stadium. With the bus line 104 you can reach the underground station Neu-Westend. From there you can either walk directly to the stadium or take the underground train and exit at the station Olympiastadion. 



    Coming from Hamburg/Rostock:

    • City ring towards Charlottenburg (A100)
    • Exit Kaiserdamm, stay on Kaiserdamm until Theodor-Heuss-Platz
    • Take exit Heerstraße; stay straight in the right lane
    • Turn right into Flatowallee, stay straight to get to the stadium / South Gate

    Coming from Munich/Nuremberg, Hannover/Magdeburg, Leipzig:

    • Take the Avus (A115) toward Funkturm
    • Exit Messedamm (Richtung A100), stay right
    • Turn left at second light
    • Turn right immediately into Jafféstrasse; stay on road until Heerstrasse
    • Turn left into Heerstrasse, get in the right lane
    • Turn right into Flatowallee, stay straight to get to stadium / South Gate


    • Take the Avus (A115) toward Funkturm
    • Exit Messedamm (Richtung A100), stay right
    • Stay straight at second light and go underneath ICC brigde
    • Turn left at the next light onto Masurenallee until Theodor-Heuss-Platz
    • Take exit Heerstrasse, get in the right lane
    • Turn right into Flatowallee, stay straight to get to stadium / South Gate

    Coming from Brandenburger Tor:

    • Strasse Unter den Linden, towards Spandau
    • Take Kaiserdamm past Theodor-Heuss-Platz, towards Spandau
    • Stay on Heerstraße, get in the right lane
    • Turn right into Flatowallee, stay straight to get to stadium / South Gate



    Around the Olympiastadion Berlin there is a large number of public parking spaces, which can also be used for events (some subject to charges):

    • Olympischer Platz (Olympic Place) (max. 2.8 tons per vehicle)
    • parking lot PO1
    • parking lot PO4 with handicapped accessible parking spaces (max. 2.8 tons per vehicle)
    • parking lot PO5 with handicapped accessible parking spaces (max. 2.8 tons per vehicle)
    • parking lot PO7

    Please follow the traffic guidance systems on event days.

  • Press accreditation

    Accreditations are only available through the MCT Agentur press office: presse@mct-agentur.com

  • Miscellaneous

    Refreshment stations with a big diversity of different drinks and food can be found on the whole ground including the infield. For your own good, only Tetrapaks containing max. 0,25 liter (non alcoholic and sealed) will be allowed on site.

    Don’t forget to bring sunblock and something to cover your head / rainproof clothing.

    Loud music may damage your ears! Please be reminded that ear protection is very important especially for children. We advise you to not bring your kids to the show when they are under 8!

    There will be medical staff on site for any emergencies.

    The following bicycle parking spaces are available at the Olympiastadion Berlin:

    • at the East Gate in front of the two gate houses (left and right of the Olympic Rings)
    • at the South Gate (facing the stadium on the left)
    • in front of the swimming pool entrance
    • in front of the box office containers at PO 4

