Italy crowned World Champions of Fireworks during Pyronale 2014
For the past nine years, the best pyrotechnics teams from across the globe have come to the Maifeld at the Olympiastadion Berlin in order to determine the best of the best. Object of the Pyronale is not simply to fire off some rockets into the sky.
During the first part of each team’s show, an obligatory display of two colors without music is required, followed by another obligatory choice of classical music, where teams must perform in sync with the music as much as possible. This years’ musical choice was the polka “Unter Donner und Blitz” and the overture from “The Bat” by Johann Strauss II. During the freestyle part of each teams’ show, 10 minutes were allotted for the “my country” display that is designed to have each country display their fireworks to their own choice of music.
This year, France, the Netherlands and Russia performed on Friday, September 5, and Italy, Norway and China followed on Saturday, September 6, 2014. While the spectators in attendance were able to award a prize to the – in their mind – best show on Friday and Saturday, a jury of experts decided on who should become the 2014 Pyronale World Champion of Fireworks.
The Team Pyroemotions & PyroDigiT from Italy was crowned World Champion, followed by Orion Art from Russia and Heron Fireworks from the Netherlands in second and third place, respectively.
We are already looking forward to the 10th Pyronale in 2015. For images of this years’ Pyronale, visit our Facebook page Olympiastadion Berlin.