Shorter opening hours startingSeptember 16

Shorter opening hours starting September 16

Starting September 16, the Olympiastadion Berlin will close one hour earlier at 7 p.m. On non-event days we will thusly open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. with our guided tours starting at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. 

Since August 2, 2004, the Olympiastadion Berlin is open to the public on a daily basis (except on event days).With approx. 300.000 visitors the Olympiastadion Berlin is one of the most popular seights in Berlin. It is your choice, if you are going to explore the public areas of the Olympiastadion Berlin on your own or if you take part one of our tours with a professional guide who takes you to areas that are not otherwise open to the public.

The Olympiastadion Berlin holds many surprises for you. Our specially schooled tour guides will show you areas of the stadium that are usually not open to the public and elaborate on the history, architecture and technology of the Olympiastadion at close range.

We can offer you several different main focuses for the guided tours. See for yourself.