Sportmetropole Berlin

Official Partner

Staying ahead of the game!

Founded in 2009, the Sportmetropole Berlin initiative ensures that Germany’s capital city retains and develops its reputation as one of the top global locations for sports events. The initiative markets Berlin nationally and internationally as THE metropolis for sports in Germany. In this unique national cooperation, key decision-makers join stakeholders in Berlin’s sports sector, industry and the economy. These not only include major sports venues and events as well as Berlin’s top clubs, from the Olympiastützpunkt Berlin (OSP) to the Landessportbund e.V. (Berlin State Sports Association) and the Berlin Marathon, but also the Senate Department for the Interior and Sport, the Chamber of Commerce (IHK), Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, and visitBerlin. In addition, visitBerlin centrally coordinates the initiative’s activities.

With support from cooperation partners AOK, DKB, eventim and Vivantes, Sportmetropole Berlin offers top-flight sport in Berlin all the benefits of a shared communication platform.
