Disabled access to the Olympiastadion Berlin

Visitors driving to the stadium are asked to use the parking lot PO5 or PO4, which offer wheelchair accessible parking. The exact number of parking spots may vary for each event. On non-event days, the Olympischer Platz may be used as a parking lot at no charge. Please also check with the information given on our website in the particular event. In case we receive any information that is only valid for a certain event, we will publish it there.
You can find a basic map of the area with parking lots plus train- and underground-stadion in the download.
DownloadLocal public transport
You can take the underground line U2 to U Olympia-Stadion or the S-Bahn (S3 and S9) to S Olympiastadion. At the S-Bahn stop, an elevator is only located at the exit marked „Flatowallee“. The underground station is also accessible by wheelchair. Both the S-Bahn station and the underground stop will guide you to the stadium’s main entrances at the East and South Gates. Please note that on event-free days, only the main entrance at the East Gate is open to the public.
You can find a basic map of the area with parking lots plus train- and underground-stadion in the download.
DownloadHome games and events
The entrances to the stadium at blocks C/D, G/H, J/K, N, Q/R and S/T are barrier-free. All seats for disabled people can be found in the inner gallery in row 41. Event organizers are asked to keep the row in front of row 41 reserved for those individuals accompanying disabled persons and to ensure that guests in wheelchairs have an unobstructed view of the infield and the track. An adequate number of kiosks and handicap-accessible bathrooms can be found in the lower stand areas as well.
Attached, you’ll find a site plan for the lower level. All reserved places for wheelchair users, the corresponding points of acces and barrier-free toilets are marked.
DownloadNon-event days
We offer the stadium experience for everyone – with or without a handicap.
Access for people in a wheelchair is via the Osttor (east gate).
People in wheelchairs are very welcome to guided tours and visits in the Olympiastadion Berlin. The five-star stadium is generally barrier-free and accessible to people with restricted mobility. Unrestricted mobility is not always possible within the blocks, as the upper ring, for example, can only be reached by stairs.
Guided Tours
If you book a tour as a wheelchair user, we ask you to inform us in advance. The non-public areas can be reached via elevators, which we will be happy to unlock for you. However, the elevators are not available during concert setup and dismantling. For this reason, it is important for us to register participants in wheelchairs in advance.
Accompanying persons of severely disabled persons (with feature B in the severely disabled person’s pass) have free entry, but must still book a ticket “Visit – accompanying person for people with disabilities”.
Unfortunately, the exclusive technology tour, the technology tour and the light experience tour are not suitable for people in wheelchairs.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us: tour@olympiastadion.berlin or by phone +49 (0)30/ 306 88 888.
In the site plan you will find an overview of all wheelchair spaces and the corresponding entrances. The entrances at heights K.4, Q.1 and T.4 are open during regular opening hours.